What is a Salon?
A salon is, traditionally, a gathering of people for the purpose of discussing ideas. The purpose of this website is to facilitate a discussion around the idea of listening. Below you will find several salons, each centered on an aspect of listening. To participate please click on a salon, click on the join button, and follow the prompt.
41st Annual ILA Convention, Seattle, Washington, USA, March 25-28, 2020
Convention Theme: Embrace the World: Listen to Build Relationships Call for proposals/presenters and more details available here: Link to proposal details and submission form Register for the annual ILA Convention here: Review the general daily schedule and register...
Listening To A Complex of Selves – Insight from John O’Donohue’s Anam Cara
I’ve argued for years that listening begins with the self; I’m not retracting that, but what I’ve come more recently to understand is that the self is a complex of many different expressions that manifest in our self-talk despite one characteristic may be overbearing,...
Netherlands Listening Marathon
Dear friends, Next Monday in the Netherlands a listening marathon will start for a week at the broadcaster 'Human' on the radio. People will listen to stories from known and unknown Dutch people for a week. Who are they, how do they think, what do they feel? On...
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Peace & Love & Listening
I am taken with the ambiguity listeners must navigate in everyday ordinary speech acts (read every conversation). The point of listening is often to ‘settle’ something — I find that’s when I become pretty ‘serious’ as a listener. Were that it were easy; that my...
Listening: how would you define it?
Most often we notice the importance of listening in its absence! I’ve learned a good deal about listening by neglecting to. Unfortunately that’s how I’ve learned its value. I’ve argued in my listening class for years that we do not value listening in American...